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Home » » Rihanna’s Tour Bus Reportedly Caught With Weed by Border Patrol

Rihanna’s Tour Bus Reportedly Caught With Weed by Border Patrol

A friend with weed is a friend indeed -- except when you're trying to cross international borders.
Rihanna's caravan of tour buses was stopped this morning when trying to cross from Canada to the U.S. via Detroit after officials noticed the scent of dank. Luckily, it was not Rihanna.

E! News reported that Kris Grogan of U.S. Customs and Border Protection told the outlet, "During primary inspection a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officer referred the buses for a secondary inspection due to the strong odor of marijuana emanating from one of the buses.

" The second inspection included drug-sniffing dogs, which eventually narced on one of the tour passengers. The individual allegedly was holding a small amount of marijuana, and a "civil penalty was assessed."

Once the searches were completed, the caravan of ten buses, including the busted individual, were sent on their merry way. Rihanna was said to not even be part of the traveling party, probably a fortunate choice.

The incident comes just a month after photos were leaked of Rihanna and Chris Brown sharing what appears to be a blunt at a Grammys afterparty in February.

The singer has made no secret of her love for the green, posting photos of herself on Instagram with what looks like joints, and getting photographed smoking the same multiple times on vacation.

Rihanna's next Diamonds tour date with A$AP Rocky hits Detroit this Thursday.


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