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Home » » Rihanna Advised To Make Serious "Lifestyle Changes" By Doctors! Good-Bye To Chris Brown?!

Rihanna Advised To Make Serious "Lifestyle Changes" By Doctors! Good-Bye To Chris Brown?!

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Obviously, she's wearing herself FAR too thin, and it's catching up with her BIG TIME!

Rihanna has already been forced to cancel two dates of her Diamonds World Tour due to a nasty case of laryngitis, and according to new reports, doctors have advised the pop sensation that the only way she's going to continue operating at the level she's been currently attempting to maintain in vain, then she's going to need to make SERIOUS changes to her lifestyle!
And that means cutting down on her hard-pAArtying!
Insiders explain:
"Rihanna's illness was so severe that doctors warned it could take months for her to fully recover - there were worries that she'd have to cancel her entire tour. She was forced to cancel two of her 'Diamonds' world tour dates in Baltimore and Boston after coming down with laryngitis. She has since resumed the tour and promised to reschedule the canceled shows. They've told her that she needs to make some serious lifestyle changes, or risk this happening again. This has given her a scare. But Rihanna knows it's partly self-inflicted. She loves to smoke, drink and stay up late. Her body was bound to need a break at some point. She's now on a mission to start looking after herself."
And better yet, her path to wellness may HAVE to include leaving her volatile man Chris Brown behind!
The source continues:
"RiRi's received death threats, verbal attacks and has fallen out with some of her best friends recently, including Katy Perry. This has taken a huge emotional toll."
And we all know that even when we're not dealing with our emotions, they can manifest through physical ailments!

NOT good!
Obviously, we've always appreciated what a hard worker our Queen of No F-ckery is, but we definitely think that if she wants to have a serious shot at longevity in this industry, now's the time to start giving serious f-cks about her mental, emotional and physical wellness!
You've got in you, gurl!


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