P Square in an interview with Vanguard spoke on spliting, relocating, new business and more.
On Private Jet
It was rumored some time ago that you guys bought a private jet. Was it true?
But do you have a plan to buy a private jet?
To be honest with you, the way things are going, we are
planning to buy one. And it’s not because of the cost implication of
hiring a private jet, but the fact that we want to meet up with our
On relocation;
Which country would say is your largest market in Africa?
At the moment, it’s East Africa. Anytime Nigerians say, they
are through with P square, will take our things and relocate to East
Africa. But South Africa is a place where we have been working for the
past one year building market for our songs. We took a break in January,
this year, and between February and March, we have been to Zambia,
Mozambique, Zimbabwe. We were in Angola two weeks ago and just last
week, we stormed Malawi. So, our potential market at the moment is South
Africa. We have built all these markets by ourselves alone.
On Splitting
We have seen great musical groups split in the industry. Will P square ever split some day?
Like I said earlier, each time, people look at Peter and Paul, they conclude that we are perfect. But they don’t know that I fight with Paul the same way he fights with me. We quarrel and fight with each other the same way you quarrel and fight with your siblings. The only thing that matters most is that we don’t bring such quarrel into our business.
Like I said earlier, each time, people look at Peter and Paul, they conclude that we are perfect. But they don’t know that I fight with Paul the same way he fights with me. We quarrel and fight with each other the same way you quarrel and fight with your siblings. The only thing that matters most is that we don’t bring such quarrel into our business.
I always tell my friends, the only person who will tell us
to split is our mother but she’s no more. Even if she were to be alive,
would she allow us to split? The day we are going to make up our minds
to split, it will be an open decision. May be, when I say I want to
retire or Paul says he wants to continue with his career in music. That
does not mean that I wouldn’t give him my support.
What has kept two of you together?
Of course, we are blood brothers. And we always think of where we are coming from. Our parents never had anything. They were not rich people. If Paul say today that we must split, I will only look at him and laugh. Sometimes, I’d swallow my pride to ensure that peace reigns between two of us.
What has kept two of you together?
Of course, we are blood brothers. And we always think of where we are coming from. Our parents never had anything. They were not rich people. If Paul say today that we must split, I will only look at him and laugh. Sometimes, I’d swallow my pride to ensure that peace reigns between two of us.
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