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Home » » Photos: Rihanna accompanies Chris Brown to court hearing

Photos: Rihanna accompanies Chris Brown to court hearing

Rihanna accompanied her man Chris Brown to his court hearing yesterday Wednesday February 6th. Chris Brown's ongoing probation case stems from assaulting Rihanna in 2009. Yesterday was his progress report hearing, where he faced allegations that he lied about completing his community service. Rihanna blew Chris a kiss before the proceedings got underway and left arm in arm with him after the hearing. 

The District Attorney filed a motion Tuesday alleging that Brown did not complete his required 180 days of community labor, citing “significant discrepancies indicating at best sloppy documentation and at worst fraudulent reporting.”

Chris Brown is on probation stemming from his felony assault case in 2009 when he beat girlfriend Rihanna over Grammys weekend.

And lo and behold, the “Diamonds” singer was there to accompany her on-again beau today, even blowing him a kiss as he headed into the courtroom. Rihanna sat with Brown’s mom and listened intently as the judge set another hearing for April 5. Judge James R. Brandlin said he needed more time to review all the evidence presented by the D.A., but in the meantime, ordered Brown to contact his probation officer within 48 hours.

Both Brown and Rihanna are expected at the Grammy Awards on Sunday. Rihanna is performing with Sting and Bruno Mars.

Brown, Geragos, and Rihanna in court (pool feed)
Chris Brown and Mark Geragos


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