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Home » » Dear CWB Readers: How to Keep Fit

Dear CWB Readers: How to Keep Fit

Everyone wants to keep fit. It is a great bonus to life since it can mean places on teams to getting a boy/girlfriend who likes to regularly exercise and eat healthy.

Here is a list of many helpful tips and strategies to keep fit and healthy.



  1. Sort out your diet. It is one of the most important components of a fit lifestyle. Many people ignore it, but if you exercise and eat lots of junk food you will not get any fitter. This is because the junk food turns to fat almost immediately and exercising only gets rid of that fat, so you are effectively going nowhere. First of all, get rid of any junk food. This includes chocolate, sweets, crisps and most importantly fast food. Lots of people have no idea how bad fast food is for them. It leads to significant weight gain and even depression in just 30 days. So cut out the junk. You should have a balanced diet. Eat salads, vegetables, fruit and lots of chicken, which are high in protein. You should try to eat potatoes,pasta and bananas, since they offer large amounts of energy over a long period of time. Try and make out a table for each week, adding new healthy food which you can easily find in most health food shops. Most of this requires willpower so have some guts!

2.  Exercise. It is a very important part of a healthy lifestyle. Exercise keeps your blood flowing which   keeps your heart beating.This helps stop clogged arteries and less chance of a heart attack in later life. It is  important that you exercise right. Stretch before any exercise to avoid pulled muscles or injuries. Exercise you can do at home includes push ups, bench, sit ups etc. Jogging is also a major exercise. You should jog at least a kilometer to keep that fat off. Pace yourself and try and design a route through a local area.

The gym is another good place. You should always learn how to use weights and exercises in the gym from an instructor or professional. Never use a weight that is to heavy. Use smaller weights and you will find that you will progress through the weights very rapidly. Make sure you keep a record of all the work you do.

3.  Drink a lot of water. The human body is made of over 80% water, and you need to keep replenishing it. You should drink at least 1 litre of water a day.Your body sweats a lot of that water so you need to put it back in.

4. Willpower and motivation. Have belief in yourself. Do not care what other people think if you are lifting small weights compared to big weights. Why should you care what they think? So don't. Keep to your plan and keep your willpower. You know you can do it.


  • Never use gym weights or unknown exercises without supervision. It can be extremely dangerous without a supervisor or a 'spotter'.
Also, don't over do it because you could pull a muscle and then you would not be able to do any exercise.


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